Scholars will complete various assignments through a Flaherty Scholar Google Classroom each year based on their grade.
Orientation/Retreat for all Flaherty Scholars.
School based fall and spring breakfast/lunch where you will meet and build community with your Flaherty Friends at your high school.
First Quarter check-ins where your Scholar Success Mentor will be on campus to meet with you one-on-one to evaluate your academic achievements.
Personal Branding Seminar for 9th grade Scholars.
Career Exploration & Discovery Workshop for 10th grade Scholars.
College Kickoff Seminar for 11th grade Scholars.
How to Pay for College Webinar for 12th grade Scholars.
Scholars will participate and engage with the college counseling department at their school. This includes attending college related events and programming.
Flaherty Scholar Spring Celebration where all Flaherty Scholars/Families in the region come together to celebrate and honor graduating Flaherty Scholars.
Additional support/coaching regarding a post-secondary plan. For most, but not all, this will focus on the college selection, application, admissions, enrollment and funding process. There will be an emphasis on how to affordably earn a college degree with the goal of $22,000 or less in student loan debt upon graduation.
Access to Enrichment Opportunity Grants which provides additional funding for scholars to participate in activities in which they can grow physically, mentally, spiritually, culturally, musically and/or develop their leadership skills or further hone their interest in a specific career/field of study (encouraged).
Various college visits (encouraged).